Other scientific publications
G. Gremaud: Eulerian theory of newtonian deformable lattices – Dislocation and disclination charges in solids. Available on Amazon and CreateSpace edited by G. Gremaud, 07/2016; CreateSpace., ISBN: 978-2- 8399-1943-2, DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.4094.4402
Gérard Gremaud: Théorie eulérienne des milieux déformables – Charges de dislocation et désinclinaison dans les solides. Edited by Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes, 01/2013; Presses Polytechniques et Universitaires Romandes., ISBN: 978-2-88074-964-4
A.V. Granato, G. Gremaud, F.M. Mazzolai, J. Eckert: 15th International Conference on Internal Friction and Mechanical Spectroscopy. Edited by A.V. Granato, G. Gremaud, F.M. Mazzolai, J. Eckert (guest editors), 01/2009; Materials Science and Engineering A, Structural Materials: Properties, Microstructure and Processing, Volumes A521–522 (2009), 417 pages.
R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud: Mechanical Spectroscopy Q−1 2001, with Applications to Materials Science. Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368 edited by R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, 01/2001; Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001)., ISBN: 0-87849-876-1
G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Proc. 7th Internat. Conf. Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids, part II. Proceedings de la conférence internationale ICIFUAS-7 edited by W. Benoit, G. Gremaud, 10/1981; Editions de Physique, (Suppl. à) J. de Phys., 42, C5 (1981), 595-1195., ISBN: 2-902731-32-9
W. Benoit, G. Gremaud: Proc. 7th Internat. Conf. Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids, part I. Proceedings de la conférence internationale ICIFUAS-7 edited by W. Benoit, G. Gremaud, 10/1981; Editions de Physique, (Suppl. à) J. de Phys., 42, C5 (1981), 1-591., ISBN: 2-902731-30-2
Book Chapters
A. Kulik, a. Kis, G. Gremaud, S. Hengsberger, G. Luengo, Ph. Zysset, L. Forro: Nanoscale Mechanical Properties – Measuring Techniques and Applications. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, Edited by B. Bhushan, 01/2007: chapter 36: pages 1107-1136; SPRINGER VERLAG BERLIN., ISBN: 978-3-540-29857-1-36
Andrzej J. Kulik, András Kis, Gérard Gremaud, Stefan Hengsberger, Philippe K. Zysset, Làsló Forró: Nanoscale Mechanical Properties – Measuring Techniques and Applications. Nanotribology and Nanomechanics, an introduction, Edited by Bharat Bhushan, 01/2005: chapter 11: pages 535-573; SPRINGER VERLAG BERLIN., ISBN: 978-3-540-28248-8
Andrzej Kulik Prof, Andras Kis Dr, Gérard Gremaud Dr, Stefan Hengsberger Prof, Gustavo Luengo Dr, Philippe Zysset Prof, László Forró Prof: Nanoscale Mechanical Properties – Measuring Techniques and Applications. Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology, Edited by Bharat Bhushan, 01/2004: chapter 21: pages 661-686; Springer Verlag., DOI:10.1007/978-3-540-29857-1_36
R. Szoszkiewicz, G. Gremaud, B. D. Kulik, A.J. Kulik: How can Ultrasound help with Connecting Friction and Adhesion Hysteresis at Local Scales?. Acoustical Imaging, vo. 27, Edited by W. Arnold, S. Hirsekorn, 01/2004: pages 733-740; Kluver Academic/Plenum Publishers., ISBN: 9048166527, DOI:10.1007/978- 1-4020-2402-3_95
G. Gremaud: Experimental methods and mathematical modelling for advanced materials: dislocation-point defects interaction. Advanced Materials, edited by A. Raduta, M. Nicoara, L Berta and C. Firu, 01/2002: chapter 2.1: pages 255-308; Editura Orizonturi Univeritare, Timisoara, Romania (2002).
G. Gremaud, S. L. Kustov, O. Bremnes: Ultrasonic techniques: PUCOT and ACT. Mechanical Spectroscopy, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368 edited by R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, 01/2001: chapter 9.2: pages 652-666; Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001). DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.366-368.652
G. Gremaud: Dislocation – Point Defect Interactions. Mechanical Spectroscopy, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368 edited by R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, 01/2001: chapter 3.3: pages 178-246; Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001)., DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.366-368.178
G. Gremaud: Scanning Acoustic Microscopy: SAM. Mechanical Spectroscopy, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368 edited by R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, 01/2001: chapter 9.4: pages 676-684; Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001)., DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.366-368.676
G. Gremaud, E. Dupas, A. V. Kulik: Surface and local Spectroscopy. Mechanical Spectroscopy, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368 edited by R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, 01/2001: chapter 8.2: pages 560-569; Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001)., DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.366-368.560
G. Gremaud, E. Dupas, A.V. Kulik: Scanning Local Acceleration Microscopy: SLAM. Mechanical Spectroscopy, Materials Science Forum, vol. 366-368, edited by R. Schaller, G. Fantozzi, G. Gremaud, 01/2001: chapter 9.3: pages 667-676; Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland (2001)., DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.366-368.667
N.A. Burnham, F. Oulevey, D. Gourdon, E. Dupas, M Liley, C Duschl, A.J. Kulik, G. Gremaud: Micromechanics and Microtribology of Polymer Films. Microstructure and Microtribology of Polymer Surfaces, ACS Symposium Series, vol. 741 edited by American Chemical Society, 01/2000: chapter chapter 7: pages p. 118-123; , DOI:10.1021/bk-2000-0741.ch007
N. A. Burnham, A. Kulik, G. Gremaud: Tip-Surface interactions. Procedures in Scanning Probe Microscopy, Edited by R. J. Colton et al, 09/1997: chapter 9.1: pages 565-584; John Wiley and Sons, New-York (1997).
NA Burnham, AJ Kulik, F Oulevey, C Mayencourt, D Gourdon, E Dupas, G Gremaud: A Beginner’s Guide to LPM Materials Properties Measurements, Part I: Conceptual Aspects. Micro/nanotribology and its Applications, Kluver AcademicPublishers edited by Bharat Bhushan, 01/1997: chapter A. Beginner’s Guide to LPM Materials Properties Measurement: pages 421-438; Nato ASI Series E:ä AppliedSciences- vol- 330.
NA Burnham, AJ Kulik, F Oulevey, C Mayencourt, D Gourdon, E Dupas, G Gremaud: A Beginner’s Guide to LPM Materials Properties Measurements, Part II: Experimental Measurements. Micro/nanotribology and its Applications, Kluwer Academic Publishers edited by Bharat Bhushan, 01/1997: chapter A. Beginner’s Guide to LPM Materials Properties Measurements: pages 421-438; NATO ASI Series, vol.330., ISBN: 9401063818, DOI:10.1007/978-94-011-5646-2_35
A KULIK, JE BIDAUX, G GREMAUD, S SATHISH: CONTINUOUS WAVE ULTRASONICS-an old method with new. “Ultrasonic Signal Processing”, Edited by A. Alippi, 10/1988: chapter CONTINUOUS WAVE ULTRASONICS-an old method with new: pages 355-365; Word Scientific, Singapore (1989)., ISBN: 9971508648
G. Gremaud: Technique de couplage acoustique appliquée à l’étude de la dynamique des dislocations. 03/1984; W. Benoit, G. Gremaud, R. Schaller: Anelasticity and dislocation damping. Plastic deformation of amorphous and semi-crytalline matzerials, Edited by Les éditions de physique, 01/1982: chapter Anelasticity and dislocation damping: pages 65-91;
Journal Publications
G. Gremaud: Maxwell’s equations as a special case of deformation of a solid lattice in Euler’s coordinates (arXiv:1610.00753).
Gérard Gremaud: Universe and Matter Conjectured as a 3-Dimensional Lattice with Topological Singularities. Journal of Modern Physics 08/2016; 7(12):1389-1399., DOI:10.4236/jmp.2016.712126
Gérard Gremaud: On local space-time of loop topological defects in a newtonian lattice (arXiv:1407.1227v3).
Riccardo Balzan, Alessandro L. Sellerio, Daniele Mari, Arnaud Comment, Gérard Gremaud: A link between short-range and long-range properties of random sphere packings. Granular Matter 12/2013; 15(6)., DOI:10.1007/s10035-013-0450-8
Gianfranco D’Anna, Alessandro Luigi Sellerio, Daniele Mari, Gérard Gremaud: Friction and Hertzian contact in granular glass. Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory and Experiment 05/2013; 2013(05):P05009., DOI:10.1088/1742-5468/2013/05/P05009
Alessandro L Sellerio, Daniele Mari, Gérard Gremaud: Fractional Brownian motion and anomalous diffusion in vibrated granular materials. Journal of Statistical Mechanics Theory and Experiment 01/2012; 2012(01):P01002., DOI:10.1088/1742-5468/2012/01/P01002
Alessandro L. Sellerio, Daniele Mari, Gérard Gremaud: Fluidized States of Vibrated Granular Media Studied by Mechanical Spectroscopy. Solid State Phenomena 01/2012; 184:422-427., DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/SSP.184.422
Alessandro Luigi Sellerio, Daniele Mari, Gérard Gremaud, Gianfranco D’Anna: Glass transition associated with the jamming of vibrated granular matter. Physical Review E 02/2011; 83(2 Pt 1):021301., DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.83.021301
Gerard Gremaud: Theory of plasticity and anelasticity due to dislocation creep through a multi-scale hierarchy of obstacles. Materials Science and Engineering A 09/2009; 521., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2008.09.131
E Bertseva, A S G Singh, J Lekki, P Thévenaz, M Lekka, S Jeney, G Gremaud, S Puttini, W Nowak, G Dietler, L Forró, M Unser, A J Kulik: Intracellular nanomanipulation by a photonic-force microscope with real-time acquisition of a 3D stiffness matrix. Nanotechnology 08/2009; 20(28):285709., DOI:10.1088/0957-4484/20/28/285709
S. Kustov, E. Cesari, G. Gremaud: Glassy and liquid vortex matter dynamics in faulted martensites. Materials Science and Engineering A 05/2008; 481(1):28-35., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2007.02.141
M. Atodiresei, G. Gremaud, R. Schaller: Study of solute atom-dislocation interactions in Al–Mg alloys by mechanical spectroscopy. Materials Science and Engineering A 12/2006; 442(1):160-164., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2006.04.127
Patrick Mayor, Gianfranco D’Anna, Gerard Gremaud, Alain Barrat, Vittorio Loreto: Mechanical spectroscopy of vibrated granular matter. Materials Science and Engineering A 12/2006; 442(1):256-262., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2006.02.205
S. Kustov, S. Golyandin, A. Ichino, G. Gremaud: A new design of automated piezoelectric composite oscillator technique. Materials Science and Engineering A 12/2006; 442(1-442):532-537., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2006.02.230
S. Kustov, E. Cesari, S. Golyandin, K. Sapozhnikov, J. Van Humbeeck, G. Gremaud, R. De Batist: Low- temperature relaxation in faulted Cu-based martensites. Materials Science and Engineering A 09/2006; 432(1-2-432):34-39., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2006.04.138
Andrzej J Kulik, Gerard Gremaud, Laszlo Forro, Robert Szoszkiewicz, Nancy A Burnham: Nanoscale acoustical imaging—deep or superficial?. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 05/2006; 119(5):3328., DOI:10.1121/1.4786379
Robert Szoszkiewicz, Bharat Bhushan, Bryan D. Huey, Andrzej J. Kulik, Gerard Gremaud: Adhesion hysteresis and friction at nanometer and micrometer lengths. Journal of Applied Physics 01/2006; 99(1):014310-014310-7., DOI:10.1063/1.2159081
S. Kustov, E. Cesari, G. Gremaud: Non-linear anelasticity of topological vortex matter in martensites. Materials Science and Engineering A 01/2006; 442(1):390-397., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2005.12.088
R Szoszkiewicz, AJ Kulik, G Gremaud: Quantitative measure of nanoscale adhesion hysteresis by ultrasonic force microscopy. The Journal of Chemical Physics 05/2005; 122(13):134706., DOI:10.1063/1.1869412
Marc Jobin, Raphael Foschia, Sébastien Grange, Charles Baur, Gérard Gremaud, Kyumin Lee, Laszlo Forro, Andrzej Kulik: Versatile force-feedback manipulator for nanotechnology applications. Review of Scientific Instruments 04/2005; 76(5):053701., DOI:10.1063/1.1891346
R Szoszkiewicz, B Bhushan, B D Huey, A J Kulik, G Gremaud: Correlations between adhesion hysteresis and friction at molecular scales. The Journal of Chemical Physics 04/2005; 122(14):144708., DOI:10.1063/1.1886751
Robert Szoszkiewicz, Andrzej J. Kulik, Gerard Gremaud, Malgorzata Lekka: Probing local water contents of in vitro protein films by ultrasonic force microscopy. Applied Physics Letters 03/2005; 86(12)., DOI:10.1063/1.1891283
G. Gremaud: Overview on dislocation-point defect interaction: The brownian picture of dislocation motion. Materials Science and Engineering A 04/2003; 370(1):191-198., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2003.04.005
P. Mayor, G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud: Jamming in weakly perturbed granular media. Materials Science and Engineering A 04/2003; 370(1):307-310., DOI:10.1016/j.msea.2003.08.079
R. Szoszkiewicz, B. D. Huey, O. V. Kolosov, G. A. D. Briggs, G. Gremaud, A. J. Kulik: Tribology and ultrasonic hysteresis at local scales. Applied Surface Science 03/2003; 210(1-2)., DOI:10.1016/S0169- 4332(02)01479-4
G D’Anna, P. Mayor, G Gremaud, A. Barrat, V. Loreto: Extreme events driven glassy behaviour in granular media. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 10/2002; 61(1)., DOI:10.1209/epl/i2003-00245-y
Gianfranco D’Anna, Gérard Gremaud: Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann–Type Diffusive Slowdown in Weakly Perturbed Granular Media. Physical Review Letters 12/2001; 87(25):254302., DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.87.254302
E. Dupas, G. Gremaud, A. Kulik, J. L. Loubet: High-frequency mechanical spectroscopy with an atomic force microscope. Review of Scientific Instruments 10/2001; 72(10)., DOI:10.1063/1.1403009
G D’Anna, G Gremaud: The jamming route to the glass state in weakly perturbed granular media. Nature 09/2001; 413(6854):407-9., DOI:10.1038/35096540
G D’Anna, G Gremaud: Vibration-induced jamming transition in granular media. Physical Review E 06/2001; 64(1 Pt 1):011306., DOI:10.1103/PhysRevE.64.011306
G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud: Activated-like hopping transition in weakly vibrated granular media. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 06/2001; 54(5):599-604., DOI:10.1209/epl/i2001-00108-7
Gianfranco D’Anna, Gérard Gremaud: Vogel-Fulcher-TammannType Diffusive Slowdown in Weakly Perturbed Granular Media. DOI:10.17877/DE290R-11606
Ø. Bremnes, B. Carreño-Morelli, G. Gremaud: Influence of the interaction between dislocations and mobile point-defects on the damping spectrum of aluminum. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 09/2000; 310(1):62-67., DOI:10.1016/S0925-8388(00)00995-6
G. Gremaud, S. Kustov: Non-linear anelasticity due to dislocation–solute atom interactions in solid solutions. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 09/2000; 310(1-2):85-90., DOI:10.1016/S0925-8388(00)00990-7
G. D’Anna, G. Gremaud: Vibration-induced “thermally activated” jamming transition in granular media.
F. Oulevey, N.A. Burnham, G. Gremaud, A.J. Kulik, H.M. Pollock, A. Hammiche, M. Reading, M. Song, D.J. Hourston: Dynamic mechanical analysis at the submicron scale. Polymer 04/2000; 41(8-41):3087- 3092., DOI:10.1016/S0032-3861(99)00601-1
F. Oulevey, G. Gremaud, D. Mari, A. J. Kulik, N. A. Burnham, W. Benoit: Martensitic transformation of NiTi studied at the nanometer scale by local mechanical spectroscopy. Scripta Materialia 12/1999; 42(1):31-36., DOI:10.1016/S1359-6462(99)00304-8
G. Gremaud and S. Kustov: Theory of dislocation-solute atom interactions in solid solutions and related nonlinear anelasticity. Physical review. B, Condensed matter 10/1999; 60(13):9353-9364., DOI:10.1103/PhysRevB.60.9353
F. Oulevey, G. Gremaud, AJ Kulik, B. Guisolan: Simple low-drift heating stage for scanning probe microscopes. Review of Scientific Instruments 03/1999; 70(3):1889 – 1890., DOI:10.1063/1.1149689
S. Kustov, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit, S. Golyandin, K. Sapozhnikov, Y. Nishino, S. Asano: Strain amplitude- dependent anelasticity in Cu–Ni solid solution due to thermally activated and athermal dislocation–point obstacle interactions. Journal of Applied Physics 01/1999; 85(3):1444-1459., DOI:10.1063/1.369276
J Lauzier, J Hillairet, G Gremaud, W Benoit: Lubrication agents of dislocation motion at very low temperature in cold-worked aluminium. Journal of Physics Condensed Matter 01/1999; 2(47):9247., DOI:10.1088/0953-8984/2/47/002
F. Oulevey, G. Gremaud, A. Semoroz, A. J. Kulik, N. A. Burnham, E. Dupas, D. Gourdon: Local mechanical spectroscopy with nanometer-scale lateral resolution. Review of Scientific Instruments 05/1998; 69(5):2085-2094., DOI:10.1063/1.1148903
O.P. Behrend, F. Oulevey, D. Gourdon, E. Dupas, A.J. Kulik, G. Gremaud, N.A. Burnham: Intermittent contact: Tapping or hammering?. Applied Physics A 03/1998; 66:S219-S221., DOI:10.1007/s003390051133
Delphine Gourdon, Nancy A. Burnham, Andrzej Kulik, Emmanuel Dupas, Frederic Oulevey, Gerard Gremaud, Dimitris Stamou, Martha Liley, Zoltan Dienes, Horst Vogel, Claus Duschl: The dependence of friction anisotropies on the molecular organization of LB films as observed by atomic force microscopy. Tribology Letters 07/1997; 3(1997):317-324.
N. A. Burnham, O. P. Behrend, F. Oulevey, G. Gremaud, P. J. Gallo, D. Gourdon, E. Dupas, A. J. Kulik, H. M. Pollock, G. A. D. Briggs: How does a tip tap?. Nanotechnology 06/1997; 8(2)., DOI:10.1088/0957- 4484/8/2/004
P. Richard, J. Thomas, D. Landolt, G. Gremaud: Combination of scratch-test and acoustic microscopy imaging for the study of coating adhesion. Surface and Coatings Technology 05/1997; 91(1-2):83-90., DOI:10.1016/S0257-8972(96)03179-9
O. Bremnes, O. Progin, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Complex Interaction Mechanisms between Dislocations and Point Defects Studied in Pure Aluminium by a Two-Wave Acoustic Coupling Technique. physica status solidi (a) 04/1997; 160(2):395-402., DOI:10.1002/1521-396X(199704)160:2<395::AID- PSSA395>3.0.CO;2-C
P. J. Gallo, AJ Kulik, NA Burnham, F. Oulevey, G. Gremaud: Electrical-conductivity SFM study of an ultrafiltration membrane. Nanotechnology 01/1997; 8(1):10-13., DOI:10.1088/0957-4484/8/1/003
F. Oulevey, NA Burnham, AJ Kulik, P. J. Gallo, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Mechanical Properties Studied at the Nanoscale Using Scanning Local-Acceleration Microscopy (SLAM). Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 12/1996; 6(8)., DOI:10.1051/jp4:19968158
P. Richard, G. Gremaud, J Thomas, A. Kulik, W. Benoit: Local Study of Thin-Film Adhesion by Surface Acoustic Waves and Subsurface Acoustic Microscopy Imaging. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 12/1996; 6(8)., DOI:10.1051/jp4:19968170
O. Progin, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Low-Temperature Mechanical Loss Spectroscopy of 5N Lead. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 12/1996; 6(8)., DOI:10.1051/jp4:1996837
O. Progin, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: A Model for the Signatures Observed in 5N Lead by the Two Wave Acoustic Coupling Method. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 12/1996; 6(C8)., DOI:10.1051/jp4:1996836
NA Burnham, G. Gremaud, AJ Kulik, P.‐J. Gallo, F. Oulevey: Materials’ Properties Measurements: Choosing the Optimal Scanning Probe Microscope Configuration. Journal of vacuum science & technology. B, Microelectronics and nanometer structures: processing, measurement, and phenomena: an official journal of the American Vacuum Society 04/1996; 14(2):1308 – 1312., DOI:10.1116/1.589086
NA Burnham, AJ Kulik, G. Gremaud, P.‐J. Gallo, F. Oulevey: Scanning Local-Acceleration Microscopy. Journal of vacuum science & technology. B, Microelectronics and nanometer structures: processing, measurement, and phenomena: an official journal of the American Vacuum Society 04/1996; 14(2):794 – 799., DOI:10.1116/1.588715
N. A. Burnham, A. J. Kulik, G. Gremaud, G. A. D. Briggs: Nanosubharmonics: The Dynamics of Small Nonlinear Contacts. Physical Review Letters 07/1995; 74(25):5092-5095., DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.74.5092
Shamachary Sathish, Gérard Gremaud, Andrzej Kulik, Philippe Richard: V(Z) Of Continuous Wave Reflection Scanning Acoustic Microscope. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 11/1994; 96(5):2769-2775., DOI:10.1121/1.411283
G. Gremaud, B. Quenet, W. Benoit: The problem of kink pair formation in f.c.c. metals. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 09/1994; s 211–212:111–113., DOI:10.1016/0925-8388(94)90460-X
O PROGIN, G GREMAUD, W BENOIT: Low-temperature mechanical loss measurements of 5N and 6N lead. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 09/1994; 211-212:128-131., DOI:10.1016/0925-8388(94)90464-2
Ph. Richard, G. Gremaud, A. Kulik, O. Behrend: Thin-Film Characterization Using Generalized Lamb Waves and Harmonic-Generation. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 09/1994; 211-212:438-441., DOI:10.1016/0925-8388(94)90539-8
A. Kulik, G. Gremaud, P. Richard, J.-M. Sommer: Measurement Applications of the Scanning Acoustic Microscope. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 09/1994; 211-212:613-615., DOI:10.1016/0925- 8388(94)90579-7
O. Behrend, A. Kulik, G. Gremaud: Characterization of Thin-Films Using Numerical Inversion of the Generalized Lamb Wave-Dispersion Relation. Applied Physics Letters 03/1993; 62(22):2787 – 2789., DOI:10.1063/1.109209
Willy Benoit, G GREMAUD, B QUENET: Dislocation and kink dynamics in f.c.c. metals studied by mechanical spectroscopy. Materials Science and Engineering A 11/1992; 164(1):42-57., DOI:10.1016/0921- 5093(93)90642-R
M. Mendik, S. Sathish, A. Kulik, G. Gremaud, P. Wachter: Surface acoustic wave studies on single‐crystal nickel using Brillouin scattering and scanning acoustic microscope. Journal of Applied Physics 03/1992; 71(6):2830 – 2834., DOI:10.1063/1.351013
G. Gremaud, A. Kulik, S. Sathish: Scanning Acoustic Microscopy: A Physicist’s Tool. Europhysics news 10/1991; Europhysics News(vol. 22, number 9):p. 167-170., DOI:10.1051/epn/19912209167
S. Sathish, M. Mendik, A. Kulik, G. Gremaud, P. Wachter: Polish‐induced surface damage in nickel: Scanning acoustic microscopy and Brillouin scattering study. Applied Physics Letters 07/1991; 59(2):167 – 168., DOI:10.1063/1.106008
S. Sathish, A. Kulik, G. Gremaud: Elastically Isotropic Al-Li-Cu Quasi-Crystal. Solid State Communications 02/1991; Solid State Communications(77, 6):403-407., DOI:10.1016/0038-1098(91)90225-K
A Kulik, G Gremaud, S Sathish: Direct Measurements of the Saw Velocity and Attenuation Using Continuous Wave Reflection Scanning Acoustic Microscope (SAMCRUW). DOI:10.1007/978-1-4615-3692-5_24
J. Lauzier, J. Hillairet, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Lubrication Agents of Dislocation Motion at Very Low Temperature in Cold-Worked Aluminium.
J. Cognard, S. satish, A. Kulik, G. Gremaud: Scanning Acoustic Microscopy of the Cellular Structure of the Interphase in a Metal-Adhesive Bond. The Journal of Adhesion 03/1990; vol. 32:45-49.
J P Flückiger, G Gremaud, B Waeber, A Kulik, A Ichino, J Nussberger, H R Brunner: Measurement of Sympathetic-Nerve Activity in the Unanesthetized Rat. Journal of Applied Physiology 08/1989; 67(1):250-5.
J.Lauzier, J. Hillairet, A. Vieux-Champagne, W. Benoit, G. Gremaud: The vacancies, lubrication agents of dislocation motion in aluminium.
G Gremaud, A Kulik, S Sathish: Mechanical properties of surfaces and layers measured with a continuous wave acoustic microscope. Advanced Materials and Processes 01/1989; 2:1421-1426.
W. Benoit, M. Bujard, G. Germaud: Kink dynamics in F.C.C. metals. physica status solidi (a) 11/1987; 104(1):427 – 441., DOI:10.1002/pssa.2211040132
M. Bujard, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Study of the dislocation mechanism responsible for the Bordoni relaxation in aluminum by the two‐wave acoustic coupling method. Journal of Applied Physics 11/1987; 62(8):3173 – 3183., DOI:10.1063/1.339342
G. Gremaud, J.-E. Bidaux, W. Benoit: Etude à basse fréquence des pics de frottement intérieur associés à une transition de phase du 1er ordre.
G. Gremaud, M. Bujard, W. Benoit: The Coupling Technique: A Two-wave Acoustic Method for the Study of Dislocation Dynamics. Journal of Applied Physics 04/1987; 61(5-61):1795 – 1805., DOI:10.1063/1.338021
J. Baur, W. Benoit, M. Bujard, G. Gremaud: Interaction Mechanisms between Dislocations and Point Defects in FCC Metals. Materials Science Forum 01/1987; 15-18:771-776., DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.15-18.771
G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: A study of Pc peak and its background in pure aluminium
G. Gremaud, M. Bujard, W. Benoit, Ho Li-Ping: Research on interaction between dislocations and defects in pure aluminium by ultrasonic and internal friction methods. Rare Metals 05/1984; Rare M(3, 1):15-19. G. Gremaud: Elastic interaction mechanisms between dislocations and point defects under harmonic stress.
O. Mercier, K. N. Melton, G. Gremaud, J. Hagi: Single‐crystal elastic constants of the equiatomic NiTi alloy near the martensitic transformation. Journal of Applied Physics 04/1980; 51(3-51):1833 – 1834., DOI:10.1063/1.327750
R Gotthardt, PA Buffat, G Gremaud: Observation of Dislocation Movement at 20 K During Microdeformation in FCC Metals. DOI:10.1016/B978-1-4832-8412-5.50214-9
G. Gremaud: Appareil automatique pour la mesure du frottement intérieur et du défaut de module en pendule inversé. Zeitschrift für angewandte Mathematik und Physik ZAMP 03/1977; J. Appl. Math. Phys.(28):368-371., DOI:10.1007/BF01595616
R. Gotthardt, G. Gremaud, A. Susse: Darstellung der mit der Hilfe der Elektronmikroscopie ermittelten räumlichen Anordnung von Kristallbaufehlern.
R. Rossier, G. Gremaud, R. Schaller, F. Baudraz: Etude du couple de diffusion Al-Ag.
Conference Proceedings
F. Oulevey, D. Gourdon, G. Gremaud, A. J. Kulik, N. A. Burnham, W. Benoit: Nanoscale Study of Mechanical Properties. Advances in Mechanical Behaviour, Plasticity and Damage; 01/2000
A Kulik, C Wüthrich, G Gremaud: Scanning Near-Field Acoustic Microscopy (SNAM) with Nanometer Resolution in the Kilohertz Frequency Range. Acoustical Imaging; 01/1995, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4615- 1943-0_63
A Kulik, C Wüthrich, G Gremaud, GAD Briggs: Simultaneous AFM and Local Conductivity Imaging. Forces in Scanning Probe Methods; 01/1995, DOI:10.1007/978-94-011-0049-6_12
P. Richard, G. Gremaud, A. Kulik: Thin film adhesion investigations with the acoustic microscope. Ultrasonics Symposium, 1994. Proceedings., 1994 IEEE; 12/1994, DOI:10.1109/ULTSYM.1994.401859
G. Gremaud, Ph. Richard, E. Steiger, F. Levy, C. Wiemer, H.-J. Mathieu, Y. Pitton: Thin film characterization with the acoustic microscope: adhesion and elastic constant measurements. Materials research for engineering systems; 09/1994
P. Richard, O. Behrend, G. Gremaud, A. Kulik: Characterization of Thin-Films Using Generalized Lamb Wave- Dispersion Relations. Journal de Physique IV; 11/1993, DOI:10.1051/jp4:19937346
J. Lauzier, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Lubrication agents of dislocation motion at very low temperature in cold- worked and irradiated aluminium. ECIFUAS 6, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland; 01/1993
A. Kulik, J. Attal, G. Gremaud: Nearfield Scanning Acoustic Microscopy. Acoustical Imaging, Plenum Press, N-Y, 1993; 01/1993, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4615-2958-3_32
S. Sathish, G. Gremaud, A. kulik: Theory of Continuous Wave Scanning Acoustic Microscope. Acoustical Imaging, Plenum Press, N-Y, 1993; 01/1993, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4615-2958-3_35
G. Gremaud: Dislocation-Point Defects Interactions. Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids, ECIFUAS 6, trans Tech Publications, Switzerland; 01/1993, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.119-121.771
S Sathish, M Mendik, A Kulik, G Gremaud, P Wachter: Scanning Acoustic Microscopic and Brillouin Scattering Investigation of Surface Damage. Acoustical Imaging, Plenum Press, N-Y, 1993; 01/1993, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4615-2958-3_39
G. Gremaud, A. V. Kulik, P. Richard, O. Behrend: Physical Acoustics Applications of the Scanning Acoustic Microscope. Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland; 01/1993, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.119-121.425
J.-E. Bidaux, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Transient Internal Friction and Martensitic Phase Transformations. Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids, ECIFUAS 6; 01/1993, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.119-121.299
B. Quenet, I. Cuche, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Study of the Kink Dynamics in Lead by the Two-Wave Acoustic Coupling Method. Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids, ECIFUAS 6; 01/1993, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/MSF.119-121.201
A. Kulik, J.-E. Bidaux, G. Gremaud, P. Bujard: Acoustic microscopy of composite materials. Acoustic Sensing and Probing; 01/1992
A. Kulik, P. Richard, S. Sathish, G. Gremaud: Continuous Wave Transmission Measuring Scanning Acoustic Microscope. Acoustical Imaging; 01/1992, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4615-3370-2_110
A Kulik, G Gremaud, S Sathish: Acoustic microscopy as a polyvalent tool in materials science. Proc. Royal Microscopical Society, Conf. Micro 90; 07/1990
B. Quenet, G. Gremaud: Interaction Mechanisms Between Diffusing Intrinsic Point Defects and Moving Dislocations. Defect and Diffusion Forum; 01/1990, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.66-69.895
G. Gremaud, B. Quenet: Point Defect Diffusion Enhanced by the Stress Field of Moving Dislocations. Defect and Diffusion Forum; 01/1990, DOI:10.4028/www.scientific.net/DDF.66-69.713
G. Gremaud, A. Kulik, S. Sathish: Le microscope acoustique, un puissant outil d’imagerie et de caractérisation mécanique non destructive. Revue de Métallurgie, Mémoires et Etudes Scientifiques; 01/1989
A Kulik, G Gremaud, S Sathish: Continuous wave reflection scanning acoustic microscope (SAMCRUW). Acoustical Imaging; 01/1989, DOI:10.1007/978-1-4613-0791-4_7
M. Bujard, G. Gremaud, W. Benoit: Etude expérimentale de la dynamique des décrochements. Revue Phys. Appl.; 04/1988, DOI:10.1051/rphysap:01988002304068600
B. Quenet, G. Gremaud, M. Bujard, W. Benoit: INTERPRETATION OF SIGNATURES MEASURED IN THE BORDONI RELAXATION TEMPERATURE RANGE IN 5N AND 6N ALUMINUM USING A NEW MODEL OF DISLOCATION MOTION. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1987815; 12/1987, DOI:10.1051/jphyscol:1987815
G. Gremaud: THE HYSTERETIC DAMPING MECHANISMS RELATED TO DISLOCATION MOTION. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:1987802; 12/1987, DOI:10.1051/jphyscol:1987802
G. D’Anna, A. Kulik, G. Gremaud: Ultrasonic Measurements of the Surface-Properties of Laser Treated Steel. Ultrasonic International 87; 09/1987, DOI:10.1016/B978-0-408-02348-1.50124-4
G. Gremaud, M. Bujard, A. Kulik: High-Precision Echometer for the Study of Dislocation Mobility of Metals Using the 2 Wave Acoustic Coupling Technique. Ultrasonic International 87; 09/1987, DOI:10.1016/B978-0-408-02348-1.50158-X
G. Gremaud: Study of the Dislocation Dynamics by Ultrasonic Cyclic Bias Stress Experiments. Ultrasonic Methods in Evaluation of Inhomogeneous Materials, Institut d’Etudes Avancées de l’OTAN, vol. E126, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Boston (1987), p. 187-197; 01/1987, DOI:10.1007/978-94-009-3575- 4_13
M. Bujard, G. Gremaud, J. Baur, W. Benoit: KINK PAIR FORMATION MECHANISM (KPF) STUDIED IN ALUMINIUM BY CYCLE BIAS STRESS EXPERIMENTS. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19851072; 12/1985, DOI:10.1051/jphyscol:19851072
G. Gremaud, M. Bujard: RECENT PROGRESS IN DISLOCATION STUDIES USING BIAS STRESS EXPERIMENTS. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/jphyscol:19851070; 12/1985, DOI:10.1051/jphyscol:19851070
G. Gremaud, M. Bujard, Ho Li-Ping, W. Benoit: Observation of the diffusion of Cottrell atmospheres of impurities round the dislocations by ultrasonic measurements. Diffusion in Metals and Alloys; 01/1983
G. Gremaud, W. Benoit, R. Gotthardt: Study of Dislocation Mobility by Coupling of Low and High Frequency Applied Stresses. Internal Friction and Ultrasonic Attenuation in Solids; 12/1980, DOI:10.1016/B978- 0-08-024771-7.50016-8
G. Gremaud: Mesures ultrasonores au cours d’une déformation cyclique basse fréquence pour l’étude de la mobilité des dislocations dans les métaux. Colloque sur les ultrasons; Varsovie, 05/1980